'El Vergecio se fue en dos acas muy ruýnes que le dio la Reyna a trueque de vn presente que él le hizo de medallas y cosas antiguas, que él estimava mucho.
Yo tuve tanta gana de verle salir de aquí que no caý en que fuera muy bien hecho que a la huelta viera a Vuestra Señoría Illustrísima y hablara él al abad Martinengo, para que perdiera del todo las sospechas, si alguna le quedava. Ahunque, a la verdad, si lo es lo que el conde de Quildar afirma de la provisión que Su Santidad ha embiado a Irlanda, no veo el Abad tenga mucha razón en buscar otras causas de la sospecha que aquí se ha tenido de su venida, y mucho menos en pensar que - dexando los mayores aparte, y por lo que me toca de clerigo - huuiera de cargar mi consciencia en estoruar la buena obra que de su venida pudiera resultar.
Pero tornando al Vergecio, paréceme que es hombre que habla mucho, y no querría que se descuydase en Francia en dezir algo, por donde Fragmarton ecriviesse acá a lo que vino o a lo que no vino, que siempre pensíaran que era más de lo que es. Yo he procurado, en lo que toca al negocio principal, que la relación que hiziere de lo de aquí no pueda ser sino muy honrada y muy conveniente al servicio de Su Magestad, si él quisiere dezir lo que aca passa.' (Kervyn de Lettenhove 1883, pp. 585-6, document 780; Gutiérrez 2000, pp. 139-41, document 648; Burnett 2020b, pp. 53-4)
['Vergecio left on two very decrepit ponies that the Queen gave him in exchange for the present that he made her of medals and antiquities, on which he had placed a large value.
I was so eager to see him leave here that I did not fail to think that it was very well done that I saw Your Most Illustrious Lordship and he will speak to the Abbot Martinengo, so that he might lose entirely his suspicions, if any remain. Although, if truth be told, if the Count of Quildar actually confirms the measures that his His Holiness has assigned to Ireland, I do not see that the abbot would have much reason to look for other causes of the suspicion that his coming here has made; much less to think that—leaving bigger matters aside, and in my case the clergy—it would make my scruples to block the good work that his coming might result in.
But, turning back to Vergecio, it seems that he is a man who speaks a lot, and would not want to fail to say something in France, from where Throckmorton would write here to the effect that he was coming or that he was not coming, so that they would never think there was more to it than there is. I have endeavoured, as far as the principal business is concerned, that the account which he will make of the situation here cannot fail to be very respected and very helpful to the service of his Majesty, if he should wish to say what is happening here.' (translation from Burnett 2020b, pp. 53-4)]