'panhemius nobilis et tui cupidissimus meditatur librum suum, de Usu et Praestantia Numismatum hic typis committi in folio, atque duplo auctior, quam hactenus, prodibit ... Nostratum plurimi conquirunt de Numismate praeterita proxime hyeme hic percussa. Ex una parte est Reginae caput ex alia figura equestris sic inscripta SINE CLADE VICTOR subter BONNA HVO ET LIMBVRGO CAPTIS. volunt hanc figuram equestrem esse Ducis Marleburgensis. Est qui unus tibi a servis est qui nummi suscepit tutelam ac defensionem, quamprimum suas lucubrationes propalaverit, tibi eas mittendas curabo; patrio sermone conscripta sunt. Sique tu eas probaveris, Gulielmo Vandenater typographo Ultrajecti transferendas et imprimendas \itemque/ mittam.' (The Hague, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Ms. 72 H 21, ff.28-9; Burnett 2020b, pp. 840, 955 n. 157)
['The noble Spanheim who is most affectionate to you is considering to have his book De usu et praestantia printed here in folio, and and will bring it out increased to twice the size than present ... Very many of my countrymen are looking for a medal struck here in the recently passed winter. On one side I the head of the Queen and on the other a figure on a horse with this inscription A CONQUEROR WITHOUT SLAUGHTER and below BONN, HUY AND LIMBURG CAPTURED. They want this figure on a horse to be that of the Duke of Marlborough. There is one among your slaves who has undertaken the care and defence of the medal, and who would set forth as soon as possible his thoughts. I will take care to send them to you; they have been written in his native language. If you should approve of them, then I will send them again to be forwarded to William Van de Water the printer at Utrecht and to be printed.' (translation from Burnett 2020b, pp. 840, 955 n. 157)]