-Lettre du 2 octobre 1561 (de ?) : «[f.3, line 3] We have also sene ye xij medagliees of ye xij e’perors. Wherof we see no cause to make so great estymation as ye prise that is assigned and th’rfor we doo return them ageyne unto you. Willing you that Vergetius may be thanked for ye same, and told yt uppo’ mentio’ made of these, /// medagliees, we caused certan closetts and cabanettes of our fathers to be perused wh’in there have been found grete nomber of such monuments both in gold silver and copper, and amongst them very fayre monume’ts of the sayd Emp’ors. So that therin we ar so well satisfied, that we thought not nedefull, to obteyne theis, and so usyng him wh gentle words fro’ us we wish you should satisfy him » (Kew, The National Archives, TNA SP 70/31 f.3 ; voir A. Burnett 2020).