Guillaume du Choul

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 * 1496 Lyon, † 1560/11/04, Lyon. Lawyer; Collector

Correspondence of Guillaume du Choul
Guillaume du Choul
FINA IDUnique ID of the page  1085
First nameFirst name(s) of the person. Guillaume
Last nameLast name of the person. du Choul
Also known asAlternative names.
WikidataIDWikidata ID
Birth dateBirth date: day - month - year. 1496 JL
Birth placePlace of birth of the person Lyon 45° 45' 28.12" N, 4° 49' 55.24" E
Death dateDeath date: day - month - year. November 4, 1560 JL
Death placePlace of death of the person Lyon 45° 45' 28.12" N, 4° 49' 55.24" E
KeywordKeywords for the person Lawyer , Collector
External LinkLink to external information, e.g. Wikpedia du Choul
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Primary literatureYearYear of the literature reference TypeLiterature type (book, journal, etc.) TitleTitel of the book.
Choul 15561556 JLmonographDiscours de la religion des anciens Romans, Escript par Noble Seigneur Guillaume du Choul, Conseiller du Roy, et Bailly des montaignes du Daulphiné [...]
Choul 15691569 JLmonographDiscorso della religione antica de Romani, Insieme un'altro Discorso della Castrametatione, et disciplina militare, Bagni, et essercitij antichi di detti Romani, Composti in Franzese dal S. Guglielmo Choul [...] Et tradotti in Toscano da M. Gabriel Simeoni Fiorentino [...]
Secondary literatureYearYear of the literature reference TypeLiterature type (book, journal, etc.) TitleTitel of the book.
Bourriot 19841984journalUn ouvrage lyonnais de la Renaissance. Discours de la religion des anciens Romains par Guillaume du Choul, Lyon, 1556
Heenes 20002000proceedingsNumismatik und Archäologie im 16. Jahrhundert
Guillemain 20022002phdRecherches sur l’antiquaire lyonnais Guillaume du Choul (v. 1496-1560
Heenes 20032003monographAntike in Bildern. Illustrationen in antiquarischen Werken des 16. und 17. Jahrhundert
García Nistal 20162016collective bookVirtus gloriam parit. Contenidos y fórmulas propagandísticas en los libros de medallas del siglo XVI

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