Pierre-Joseph de Grainville

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Rouen, † 1730, Rouen. cleric; jesuit; antiquarian; collector

Correspondence of Pierre-Joseph de Grainville
Pierre-Joseph de Grainville
FINA IDUnique ID of the page  3357
First nameFirst name(s) of the person. Pierre-Joseph
Last nameLast name of the person. Grainville
Also known asAlternative names.
WikidataIDWikidata ID
Birth dateBirth date: day - month - year.
Birth placePlace of birth of the person Rouen 49° 26' 25.66" N, 1° 5' 38.29" E
Death dateDeath date: day - month - year. 1730
Death placePlace of death of the person Rouen 49° 26' 25.66" N, 1° 5' 38.29" E
KeywordKeywords for the person Cleric , Jesuit , Antiquarian , Collector
External LinkLink to external information, e.g. Wikpedia  https://books.google.be/books?id=ehEfgo1akTAC&pg=PA405&lpg=PA405&dq=j%C3%A9suite+Grainville+Rouen+1730&source=bl&ots=nzPEkeUJyb&sig=ACfU3U2c6DSRnjbohFutqNI 5iPmf1IBRQ&hl=fr&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjX9b2O66 kAhVmMewKHWdJBj0Q6AEwAHoECAkQAQ#v=onepage&q=j%C3%A9suite%20Grainville%20Rouen%201730&f=false
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Primary literatureYearYear of the literature reference TypeLiterature type (book, journal, etc.) TitleTitel of the book.
Grainville 17091709journalManiere d’expliquer les médailles antiques
Secondary literatureYearYear of the literature reference TypeLiterature type (book, journal, etc.) TitleTitel of the book.
Woltereck 17091709monographElecta rei numariae, sive delectae dissertationes de rarioribus numis antiquis tam Græcis quam Latinis [...]
Laisné 17371737journalDissertation sur les médailles de Commode frappées en Égypte
Abdel-Halim 19641964monographAntoine Galland, sa vie et son œuvre