'Receive inclosed the coin you desire with Villa Rokesburg. It was gote with the groat of K. James the 3ds I receive just nou, and I believe may be a groat likewise. Receive likewise two pieces I have gote since, digg up 10 or 12 miles from this in the parish of Kilbarchan, quher ther is some ground to hope for more. As for that book of meddalls, its Patins, and I des<ir>ing to send for it in French. In the meantime I thank you for your oblidging offer of procuring it or me in English. If you have any of your oun excellent collection you can spare for a feu weeks quhich you think it proper for me to read, I shall be very happy to have a loan of it.'
(Sharp 1937, pp. 142-4, letter 72; Burnett 2020b, p. 1542)