'I have latly recorded accoun’t from Nouport Glasgow about 18 miles from this, there have been descovred there by ye falling doun of some earth a great deal of Coins and other things yt have hid yr yr [sic]. I have received noe Clear account of ym yet and only one of ye Coines, quch (according to my small insight in to yt Study) seem not to be very antient. Perhaps I may go shortly to ye place, however. I am promised some of ym. I am Informed yy are are [sic] of decent mettalls, some of pure Silver some of tine or other mixed matter. So[m]e in ye formes of ye [drawing], some like Indian noserings. I shall give you a fuller accpt of ym ym [sic], & shall if it be po’ble send you one at least of evry Kind.'
(EUL, MS Laing III.355, f.7v; Sharp 1937, pp. 10-12, letter 4; Burnett 2020b, p. 1538)