'... I part deferred this till I hoped to be in Case to give you some further accpt and some specimina of yese Saxon Coins I spoke of. But things not succeeding as I could hear[ti?]ly have wished, I could deferre noe longer my writting to you; as to ye Coins I have as yet gote none off ym for my self but ye princ’le [= Principal, i.e. William Dunlop] have gote 5 or 6 [of the 1699 Port Glasgow hoard] for ye Library, quhich Mr Sutherland has att present to take the inscriptions of. I hope ere this time he has given you a better accompt of them then I am in case to doe. I assure you, Sir, yt any of them I can fall upon that are doubles of quhat we have already, shall be sent to you.'
(Sharp 1937, pp. 24-6, letter 11; Burnett 2020b, pp. 1538-9, 809-10)