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Courten, William - Consular MedalsCatalogues of Numismatic Collections
Courten, William - For my Lord Colerane all true and different - London, British Library - Sloane MS 3961, f.108Manuscripts of Unpublished Works
Courten, William - G(old) medds yt that are rare. Silver medds yt are rareManuscripts of Unpublished Works
Courten, William - June 1695. An Account of my Consular Medals in Boxs No. of Numismatic Collections
Courten, William - London, British Library - Sloane MS 3962Correspondence Collections
Courten, William - Mdls yt Mr Bohun wants - London, British Library - Sloane MS 3962, f.207Manuscripts of Unpublished Works
Courten, William - Medailles Anciennes qui sont les plus rares en or, argent et cuivreManuscripts of Unpublished Works
Courten, William - Medals which I wanted - London, British Library - Sloane MS 3961, f.70Manuscripts of Unpublished Works
Courten, William - Mr Bonet's remarkes on Dr Walker's Treatise of MedalsManuscripts of Unpublished Works
Courten, William - Notes on Roman weights - London, British Library - Sloane MS 3962, f.88Manuscripts of Unpublished Works
Courten, William - Numismata aurea a Julio Caesare ad Heraclium ex musaeo Carolj Croii Ducis Arschotanj a Joanne Hemelario Explicata Antuerpiae apud Petrum et Joannem Belleros Ao MDCXXVIICatalogues of Numismatic Collections
Courten, William - Remarques of Medls. How to know the true from the false - London, British Library - Sloane MS 3962, f.6Manuscripts of Unpublished Works
Covel, John - The value of my medals and Seales and other Rarityes and CuriositysCatalogues of Numismatic Collections
D'Ewes, Simonds - Familiae quae mihi desunt aut numi illi qui mihi desunt in diversis FamilijsManuscripts of Unpublished Works
D'Ewes, Simonds - Imperatores Caesares et Augustae post HeracliumCatalogues of Numismatic Collections
D'Ewes, Simonds - In prolegomenis Simondsij Deuusij Thesauro Equitis aurati et Baronetti Thesauro numario Britanno-Anglico suo pe’ficjendisManuscripts of Unpublished Works
D'Ewes, Simonds - List of coins and medals borrowed from OxfordManuscripts of Unpublished Works
D'Ewes, Simonds - London, British Library - Harley MS 255, f.25rManuscripts of Unpublished Works
D'Ewes, Simonds - London, British Library - Harley MS 255, ff.59-60Catalogues of Numismatic Collections
D'Ewes, Simonds - Notes for plates of Theatrum Numaria RomanumManuscripts of Unpublished Works
D'Ewes, Simonds - Notes for Theatrum Numarium RomanumManuscripts of Unpublished Works
D'Ewes, Simonds - Notes for Thesaurus Numarius Britanno-AnglicusManuscripts of Unpublished Works
D'Ewes, Simonds - Numi AngliciCatalogues of Numismatic Collections
D'Ewes, Simonds - Numi Anglo-Saxonici et Neustro-AngliciCatalogues of Numismatic Collections
D'Ewes, Simonds - Numi Aurei rem Romanam tangentes in Musaeo Simondsij Deuuosij Equities Aurati & Baronetti Ao Dni 1649Catalogues of Numismatic Collections
D'Ewes, Simonds - Numi Consulares apud S.D. &c, redundantes ab Ursini TabulisCatalogues of Numismatic Collections
D'Ewes, Simonds - Numi Romani et Anglici comparandiManuscripts of Unpublished Works
D'Ewes, Simonds - Nummorum Imperatorum Romanorum Notitia in Musaeo S D conditorumCatalogues of Numismatic Collections
Daniel Heinsius - Simonds D’Ewes - 1642-5-14Correspondence
Destouches - Hans Sloane - 1736-07-20Correspondence
Durie, John - A note of what Medalls coynes and signets both of Gold Silver and Copper were found in ye Library at St JamesCatalogues of Numismatic Collections
D’Ewes, Simonds - Listing of Roman Imperial coins from Postumus to HeracliusCatalogues of Numismatic Collections
D’Ewes, Simonds - Notes on Greek and Byzantine coinsManuscripts of Unpublished Works
D’Ewes, Simonds - Notes on Roman Republican coinsManuscripts of Unpublished Works
Edward Browne - Craven - 1664-12-16Correspondence
Edward Browne - Thomas Browne - 1664/5-01-02Correspondence
Edward Browne - Thomas Browne - 1665-02-07Correspondence
Edward Browne - Thomas Browne - 1665-04-09Correspondence
Edward Browne - Thomas Browne - 1669-04-24Correspondence
Edward Browne - Thomas Browne - 1669-05Correspondence
Edward Browne - Thomas Browne - 1669-05-05Correspondence
Edward Browne - Thomas Browne - 1669-05-16Correspondence
Edward Browne - Thomas Browne - 1673-06-20Correspondence
Edward Harley - Jonathan Swift - 1738-05-30Correspondence
Edward Lhuyd - William Courten - 1691-09-25Correspondence
Edward Southwell - John Perceval 1726-04-09Correspondence
Ezechiel Spanheim - Hans Sloane - 1706-06-24Correspondence
Ezechiel Spanheim - Hans Sloane - 1710-10-10Correspondence
Folkes, Martin - Treatise on the Roman coinage and weights of metals - London, British Library - Add MS 4391Manuscripts of Unpublished Works
Francesco Benedetti - William Trumbull - 1690-03-05Correspondence