FINA IDUnique ID of the page ᵖ
AuthorAuthor of the document.
William Stukeley
TitleTitel of the book.
The medallic history of Marcus Aurelius Valerius Carausius, emperor in Brittain
YearYear of the literature reference ᵖ
PlacePlace of publication of the book, composition of the document or institution.
London 51° 30' 26.35" N, 0° 7' 39.54" W
TypeLiterature type (book, journal, etc.) ᵖ
Associated personsNames of Persons who are mentioned in the annotation.
CitationCitation text of reference
Stukeley, William (1757-1759), The medallic history of Marcus Aurelius Valerius Carausius, emperor in Brittain, 2 vol., Charles Corbet, London, in 4°.
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KeywordNumismatic Keywords ᵖ
Roman , Carausius
LanguageLanguage of the correspondence