'D. Faustinae numum Olmondburiae, ut aiebat, repertum, vix tandem ab homine tenebrione, atque hisce in literis plane puero, exoravi: tibi mitto; tu quaeso, quam potes citissime remittas, ut habeat homo φορτικός thesaurum suum. Meam de Olicana conjecturam vide, num adjuvet. Plura Ro. numismata levi, opinor, opera inibi repirirentur, hactenus pauca; regio enim montosa, neque culturae idonea est'
['I only just obtained a coin of Diva Faustina, said to have been found at Almondbury, from a trickster fellow, and it’s clear to a child in its letters; I am sending it to you. I ask you, please, to return it as quickly as possible so that the tedious man may have his treasure back. Consider whether my suggestion about Olicana helps. More Roman coins, I think, would easily be found there, but so far only a few, since the area is mountainous and not suitable for cultivation' (translation from Burnett 2020b, p. 116 n. 8)]