'I requested your searching into your Cabinet for such Saxon Coins as are omitted in the Tables of the late Camden. These I desired you would get drawn out; and communicate the Draughts (as speedily as you could) either to me, or Mr Thwaites of Queen’s College in Oxford. There’s a design to insert ’em in the new Edition of Dr. Hickes’s Grammars; and I have promised what Assistance I can help them shall be sent after Michaelmas. Mr Sutherland (of Edinburgh) will be a special Benefactour in this particular. He tells me He has (in his own possession) no less than 44 pieces omitted in Camden. He lately went to Glasgow in search of others; and he is now in Fife, whence he resolves to bring what Aberdene & St Andrews will afford him. He has set me a Specimen of some of ’em; which are taken by a curious and fine hand. The few that I have (and I am chiefly indebted to my Lord Archbishop and your self for ’em) I have sent up in Specie; having none near me that could take the Draughts of ’em. I am the more pressing with you to hasten your Quota; because the work is retarded wholly on account of these Coins, and the Subscribers begin to want Patience.'
(Harris 1992, pp. 304-5, letter 136; Thoresby 1912, pp. 77-8; Burnett 2020b, pp. 1087, 1538)