William Stukeley - 1752-08-20

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William Stukeley, 1752/08/20

William Stukeley - 1752-08-20
FINA IDUnique ID of the page  14311
InstitutionName of Institution.
InventoryInventory number.
PlacePlace of publication of the book, composition of the document or institution.
AuthorAuthor of the document. William Stukeley
Associated personsNames of Persons who are mentioned in the annotation. Lorenz Beger, Andrew Coltée Ducarel, John Foote
Publication dateDate when the publication was issued: day - month - year . August 20, 1752
KeywordNumismatic Keywords  Carausius
LiteratureReference to literature. Beger 1696a1, Lukis 1882-1887, vol. 1 pp. 83-42, Burnett 2020b, p. 13323
LanguageLanguage of the correspondence English
External LinkLink to external information, e.g. Wikpedia 
Grand documentOriginal passage from the "Grand document".

'I received them (six plates of Coins of Carausius) [from?] Dr. Ducarel, but he had the year preceding recommended me to Mr. Foote, Rector of Foxal, in Staffordshire, who had a considerable collection of Coins of that Empr. ... Mr. Foote call'd on me by Dr. Ducarels direction & gave me a direction where he lodg'd, but not precise enough. He brought me Begers Thesaurus Bra'denb.'

(Lukis 1882-1887, vol. 1 pp. 83-4)


  1. ^  Beger, Lorenz (1696), Thesaurus Brandenburgicus selectus: sive gemmarum, et numismatum Græcorum, in cimeliarchio electorali Brandenburgico, elegantiorum series, typis et impensis electoralibus, excudit Ulricus Liebpert, Coloniæ Marchicæ (Berlin).
  2. ^  Lukis, W.C. (ed.)(1882-87) The Family Memoirs of the Rev. William Stukeley and the Correspondence of William Stukeley, Roger & Samuel Gale, Etc., 3 Vols, Publications of the Surtees Society Vols. 73, 76, 80, London.
  3. ^  Burnett, Andrew M. (2020), The Hidden Treasures of this Happy Land. A History of Numismatics in Britain from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment, BNS Special Publ. No 14 = RNS Special Publ. No 58, London, Spink & Son.