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Bojničić-Kninski, Ivan (1880), "Hrvatski starinar u XVII. vieku", Viestnik Hrvatskoga arkeologičkoga družtva (Zagreb), 2, p. 77-79.  +
Bolla, Giuseppe (1931), Enrico Noris, Bologna.  +
Bolla, Margherita (2019), "Collezionismo di antichità a Verona fino al XVI secolo", in Studi Veronesi. Miscellanea di studi sul territorio veronese, 4, p. 7-44.  +
Bonamy, Pierre Nicolas (1753), "Histoire de Gondevald, prétendu fils de Clotaire I, pour servir d'explication à des Médailles frappées à Arles et à Marseille au coin de l'empereur Maurice", Mémoires de Littérature, tirés des registres de l’Académie royale des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, Depuis l'année M.DCCXLIV, jusques et compris l'année M.DCCXLVI, 20, p. 184-210.  +
Bonanni, Filippo (1699), Numismata pontificum romanorum quæ a tempore Martini V. usque ad annum M.DC.XCIX. Vel authoritate publica, vel privato genio in lucem prodiere, Explicata, ac multiplici eruditione Sacra, & Prophana illustrata. Tomus primus Continens Numismata à Martino V. usque ad Clementem VIII, ex Typographia Dominici Antonii Herculis, Romæ.  +
Bonanni, Filippo (1699), Numismata pontificum romanorum quæ a tempore Martini V. usque ad annum M.DC.XCIX. Vel authoritate publica, vel privato genio in lucem prodiere, Explicata, ac multiplici eruditione Sacra, & Prophana illustrata. Tomus secundus Continens Numismata à Clemente VIII. usque ad Innocentium XII. feliciter regnantem, ex Typographia Dominici Antonii Herculis, Romæ.  +
Bonnaffé, Edmond (1878), "Un dossier de catalogues inédits", Gazette des beaux-arts, 1878, 1, p. 414-478.  +
Bonnaffé, Edmond (1887), "Le catalogue de du Périer", Revue de Marseille et de la Provence, 33, p. 18-27.  +
Bonnefon, Paul (1907), « Vingt lettres inédites de l'abbé J.-B. Du Bos », Revue d'histoire littéraire de la France, 14, p. 141-162.  +
Boppert, Walburg (1977), Johann Huttich, Leben und Werk, Mainz.  +
Boran, E. (2015) The Correspondence of James Ussher, 3 vols, Dublin, Irish Manuscripts Commission.  +
Borchmann, Johann Friedrich (1763), Numophylacium Mansbergianum: quod collegit Anton Adam à Mansberg [...], typis Joh. Dieter. Schulzianis, Cellis (Celle).  +
Bordeaux, Paul (1905), "Lettres de la fin du XVIIIe siècle relative à la collection de l’abbé Ghesquière", Revue belge de numismatique, p. 457-468.  +
Borghesi, Pietro (1778), De nummis aliquot aereis uncialibus epistola, Rome, 4°, 36 p., 41 pl.  +
Borlase, William (1754), Observations on the Antiquities Historical and Monumental, of the County of Cornwall. Consisting of Several Essays on the First Inhabitants, Druid-Superstition, Customs, And Remains of the Most Remote Antiquity, In Britain, and the British Isles: Exemplify'd and prov'd by Monuments now Extant in Cornwall and the Scilly Islands, Faithfully drawn on the Spot, and Engrav'd according to their Scales annex'd. With a summary of the Religious, Civil, and Military State of Cornwall before the Norman Conquest; Illustrated by the Plans and Elevations of several Ancient Castles, An Eastern View of the Monastery and Site of St. Michael's Mount: And a Vocabulary of the Cornu-British Language, printed by W. Jackson, Oxford.  +
Borroni Salvadori, Fabia (1956), I due Anton Maria Zanetti, Florence.  +
Bortolotti, Pietro (1866), Notizie intorno alla vita ed alle opere di Monsignor Celestino Cavedoni con appendice di sue lettere ed altre cose inedite, Tip. dell'Imm. Concezione Editr.  +
Boserup, Ivan (2015), "Georg Koës and Zoëga’s Manuscripts Preserved in the Royal Library in Copenhagen", in K. Ascani – P. Buzi – D. Picchi (eds.), The Forgotten Scholar: Georg Zoëga (1755–1809). At the Dawn of Egyptology and Coptic Studies, Culture and History of the Ancient Near East 74, Leiden – Boston, p. 15–24.  +
Botley, P. and van Miert, D. (2012), The Correspondence of Joseph Justus Scaliger, Geneva.  +
Bots, J.A.H. (ed.)(1971), Correspondance de Jacques Dupuy et de Nicolas Heinsius (1646–1656), The Hague, Martin Nijhoff.  +