Talk:FINA Wiki

From Fina Wiki
Revision as of 15:50, 19 August 2019 by Bkrabina (talk | contribs)

Here is a list of questions/suggestions for improvement to be followed up:


CCO-Mark is done. Needs some more clarification in Project:About

Catalogues of Numismatic Collections[edit]

For inventories of numismatic collections, it is important to have specific boxes for the collector name and first name (so “Collector’s first name” and “Collector’s name”).

I don't quite understand. Catalogues of Numismatic Collections, we have the field Author: e. g. Inventario di stabili, Medaglie, Libri lasciati dal già S;r Gio. Batta. Capponi al Pio Ospedale di S. Maria della Morte mediante il suo ultimo testament rogato p. il S. Filippo Carlo Dal Chierico li 20 agosto 1675. Why would we need a first and last name separately? --Bkrabina (talk) 16:46, 19 August 2019 (CEST)

Map of persons[edit]

For the map of persons, it would be nice to have a booleian option for “keywords”. To get the “Jesuits” who are also “poets” (and not all the “jesuits” and all the “poets”

done for Persons and Map of Persons --Bkrabina (talk) 16:51, 19 August 2019 (CEST)

I have some difficulty with the timeline. In order not to confuse between births and deaths and as I mentioned in a preceding message, the best would be to have two different maps of persons (not one): one for births, the other for deaths. To have a timeline with a possibility to select a birth or a death place is great; it would be even better if one adds a box for "keywords", in order to create automatically more sophisticated maps (with the Benedictine active at the end of the 17th c. for example). I also think that things should be kept as simple as possible but this would be in my mind a great and final addition. So, two (bith date and death date) maps for "persons", each of them with a timeline, a box for place and a box for keywords.


1) To create a field for every reference in the text. Now, as you click on Gotlzius for example, you get the 3 letters written by him but not the many dozens ofletters where he is duly reference. It is important in my mind to create a specific field "Reference" below "Work".

2) To leave the possibility to download more than one image (I said up to 10 in my preceding mail; I now think that up to 5 could be a good measure).

3) to create a field for "Primary literature": i.e. printed work written by the concerened person.

4) to create a filed for "Secondary literature": i.e. recent scholarly literature devotedto the concerend person.

5) make the line indicating the space between birth and death less bold and, ideally, with an arrow giving the direction (we may refine with a line starting in gree and ending in red but that is possibly due to my notorious kitsch attraction).


1) to create a box for "Numismatic keywords": so, we could easily gather all the correspondence related to the Ptolemies, Pertinax or the contorniates for example.

2) for associated people, to help with an automatic search in the names already created as it si the case for names of places of persons (it will save me a lot of time).


1) The timeline for persons is so busy that it is barely useful as such. And indeed with an expected total amount of people above 1,000, we will have nearly one hundred at any time...

timelines are completely redesigned, see Timelines --Bkrabina (talk) 16:54, 19 August 2019 (CEST)


1) to create a box for "keywords" for the map of persons

done --Bkrabina (talk) 17:35, 19 August 2019 (CEST)

2) to modify the black icons for one case in a green coherent with the general progression used by wikipedia: green-yellow-orange-red. 3) to somehow downscale these icons for just one case (but it should be apparent as well...).

true, but unfortunately, the size of single items icons is fixed. color could be changed, but this should be done with a general better design --Bkrabina (talk) 17:49, 19 August 2019 (CEST)

4) Map for brith and death places: take all the evidence into account. Again, if so, the general view will be overcrowded but the intersting thing is to play with the timeline.

done --Bkrabina (talk) 17:35, 19 August 2019 (CEST)

Map of Birth and Death Places[edit]

For the "birth and death" map, it would be nice indeed to give a direction. Again, if feasible, I suggest that each line will be coloured from green (birth) to red (death). By the way, this map is just taking some 50 names, not the full corpus (I tried without success to get a map for the c. 200 names).

direction is not possible at the moment, sorry. Map of Birth and Death Places now shows everything. Should I still do spearate maps, as indicated earlier? --Bkrabina (talk) 17:36, 19 August 2019 (CEST)

Aassociated persons[edit]

When typing the name of "associated persons", you are not proposed automatically (as for other entries) what already exists, which complicates the process a bit.

done --Bkrabina (talk) 17:40, 19 August 2019 (CEST)


One box for “primary literature” (i.e. all the written contributions published by the person in question) and another for “secondary literature” (i.e. what has been specifically written on the person in question). For what concerns literature, you are right that some entries of the general literature, as Cuper 1743, will appear in the box "primary literature". But as the general literature is only for contributions mentioning correspondence or items inserted in the FINA wiki, it misses most of the relevant literature which is precisrely not quoting anything relevant for FINA: printed books or papers for primary literature (Cuper has published several books - not as much as he announced but that is a different story) and there are papers on him which are not quoting a single numismatic letter. For a substantial amount of names, there will be no primary literature (because they never published any numismatic studies) and no more secondary literature. But for at least 200 hundreds of them, we will have much more than what can be found in the stricltly referential literature qutoed so far. Creating these two additional fields (with possibility to classify chronologically the items) would allow to gather in one place all the relevant information about the actors of the République des Médailles.