Antonio Cocchi - 1755-10-11

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Antonio Cocchi, Florence, 1755/10/11

Antonio Cocchi - 1755-10-11
FINA IDUnique ID of the page  15722
InstitutionName of Institution. Florence, Biblioteca Biomedica
InventoryInventory number. Manoscritti Cocchi, Effemeridi, 96: 27 luglio 1755 - 16 febbraio 1756
PlacePlace of publication of the book, composition of the document or institution. Florence 43° 46' 11.53" N, 11° 15' 20.09" E
AuthorAuthor of the document. Antonio Cocchi
Associated personsNames of Persons who are mentioned in the annotation. Jean-Jacques Barthélemy, Giovanni Marsili
Publication dateDate when the publication was issued: day - month - year . October 11, 1755
KeywordNumismatic Keywords  Coins Received
LiteratureReference to literature. Fileti Mazza - Tomasello 1996, p. 130, note1
LanguageLanguage of the correspondence Italian
External LinkLink to external information, e.g. Wikpedia creator=AND&channel creator=&opCha title=AND&channel title=&opCha contributor=AND&channel contributor=&opCha issuedYear=AND&channel issuedYear from=&channel issuedYear until=&opCha publisher=AND&channel publisher=&opCha subject=AND&channel subject=&opCha language=AND%2BOR&opCha typeTipo=AND%2BOR&opCha typeLivello=AND&channel typeLivello=&opCha typeDigitale=AND%2BOR&opCha location=AND&channel location=&opCha collectionText=AND&channel collectionText=Fondo%2BCocchi&opCha agency=AND%2BOR&opCha descSourceLevel2=AND%2BOR&imageField2.x=6&imageField2.y=11&pag=5
Other entries for the same diary
Grand documentOriginal passage from the "Grand document".

11 octobre 1755 (Florence): "AUM. Dono d'amico, n. 24 medaglie da Giovanni Marsili da Parigi - e Rousseau De l'inégalité des hommes - quelle portò l'abate Barthelemy, quello Mr Mutzel. Salutatio Mutzelii apud Stoschium ubi occursus Barthelemei Regis Francor. antiquarii qui epistolam dedit a Marsilii et nummorum antiquor. sacculum" (Firenze, Biblioteca Biomedica, Manoscritti Cocchi, Effemeridi, 96: 27 luglio 1755 - 16 febbraio 1756; Fileti Mazza - Tomasello 1996, p. 130, note).


  1. ^  Fileti Mazza, Miriam and Bruna Tomasello (1996), Antonio Cocchi primo antiquario della Galleria fiorentina 1738-1758, Modena.