Arnold Wachtendonck - Abraham Ortelius - 1575-11-14

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Arnold Wachtendonck, Liège

Arnold Wachtendonck - Abraham Ortelius - 1575-11-14
FINA IDUnique ID of the page  826
InstitutionName of Institution. The Hague, Koninklijke Bibliotheek
InventoryInventory number. MS 79 C 4 (042), f° 233
AuthorAuthor of the document. Arnold Wachtendonck
RecipientRecipient of the correspondence. Abraham Ortelius
Correspondence dateDate when the correspondence was written: day - month - year . November 14, 1575 JL
PlacePlace of publication of the book, composition of the document or institution. Liège 50° 38' 42.50" N, 5° 34' 24.31" E
Associated personsNames of Persons who are mentioned in the annotation.
LiteratureReference to literature. Hessels 1887, no. 61, p. 137-1381, Callataÿ 2017, p. 126, n° 188.2
KeywordNumismatic Keywords  Roman , Sabina , Crispina , Plautilla
LanguageLanguage of the correspondence Latin
External LinkLink to external information, e.g. Wikpedia Glory and misery of Belgian numismatics from the 16th to the 18th c
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Grand documentOriginal passage from the "Grand document".

14 Nov. 1575 (from Liège): “S. P. Orteli amice itegerrime. Quod hactenus litteris tuis non responderim negoti que tam intra quam extra civitatem Capituli nostri ac privato nomine occurrerunt in causa fuerunt. Maximus interim gratias pro nummo Metelliburgico. Mitto Maximillianum cum Frederico, eum qualis est aequo animo accipies. Expectabamus accurationem Itinerarii vestri descriptionem. Et an preter nummos aliquid aliud adnotassetis. Casu nuper nactus sum nummum Antoniae Augustae matris Claudiae aug. cum postica inscriptiones SACERDOS DIVI AVGVSTI ? Cuius sacerdotij in Romanis inscriptionibus mentio. Quae Antonia cupidinem mihi iniecit Augustarum colligendarum quas hactenus neglexi quod desperarem maxime concupitas nancisci posse. Postquam spes facta est statui et harum seriem quantum licebit conquirere. Si itaque in eo mihi operam tuam citra tuum incommodum prestare poteris facies mihi rem longe gratissimam; praetium liberaliter restituturus. Sabinas Crispinas Plautillas sprevi hactenus, uti et nuper Salustiam a te mihi oblatam, eas cum offerentur coempturus. Heraclium nostrum scribis ad amico tuo posse premi ut cusus videri possit, non tamen e plumbo an ex argento. Vellem si permitterent et aura et tempor semel ad vos excurrere, quod proximo ere Deo volente futurum spero. Theatra tua hic non prostant aut valde raro eaque fere picturis adumbrata, que minus mihi placent. Cuperem itaque eorum exemplar unum per te mihi mitti praetiumque adscribi primo nuntio per me mittendum” (Den Haag, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, MS 79 C 4 (042), f° 233; Hessels 1887, no. 61, p. 137-138).


  1. ^  Hessels, J.H. (1887), Abrahami Ortelii (geographi Antverpiensis) et virorum eruditorum ad eundem et ad Jacobum Colium Ortelianum (Abraham Ortelii sororis filium) epistulae cum aliquot aliis epistulis et tractatibus quibusdam ab utroque collectis (1524-1628) ex autographis mandante ecclesia Londino-Batava, Cantabrigae. Reprint: Osnabrück, O. Zeller, 1969.
  2. ^  Callataÿ, Fr. de (2017), “Glory and misery of Belgian numismatics from the 16th to the 18th c. as seen through three milestones (Goltz 1563, Serrure 1847 and the Dekesels) and private correspondences”, in J. Moens (ed.), 175 years of Royal Numismatic Society of Belgium. Proceedings of the Colloquium ‘Belgian numismatics in perspective (Brussels, 21 May 2016’), Brussels, pp. 37-129.