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Abraham Ortelius - Jacob Cool - 1592-5-6
Hessels 1887, no. 214, pp. 513-514
, Callataÿ 2017, p. 93, n° 72
, Burnett 2020b, p. 217
Abraham Ortelius - Jacob Cool - 1593-1-27
Hessels 1887, no. 228, pp. 546-548
, Callataÿ 2017, p. 93, n° 73
, Burnett 2020b, p. 217
Abraham Ortelius - Jacob Cool - 1595-1-4
Goltzius 1574 vol. 2
, Camden 1586
, Hessels 1887, no. 261, pp. 613-14
Abraham Ortelius - Jacob Cool - 1595-02-02
Occo 1579
, Hessels 1887, pp. 623-4, letter 265
, Burnett 2020b, p. 195
Abraham Ortelius - Jacob Cool - 1596-3-23
Ortelius 1573
, Hessels 1887, no. 286, p. 680-681
, Burnett 2020b, p. 217
Abraham Ortelius - Jacob Cool - 1597-04-03
Hessels 1887, pp. 714-15, letter 303
, Burnett 2020b, p. 218
Abraham Ortelius - Jacob Cool - 1598-06-03
Hessels 1887, pp. 754-5, letter 322
, Burnett 2020b, pp. 198, 208, 219
Abraham Ortelius - Joost Lips - 1592
Callataÿ 2017, p. 94, n° 76.
Abraham Ortelius - William Camden - 1588-11-25
Smith 1691, pp. 32-3, letter 26
, Burnett 2020b, p. 219
Abraham van Goorle - Jacob Cool - 1601-4-13
Hessels 1887, letter no. 325, pp. 763-764
, Langereis 2002, p. 93 (with an illustration)
, Callataÿ 2017, p. 82, n° 33
Achillini, Claudio - Poem
Traversa 1992, p. 155-157
, Missere Fontana 1995, p. 174-176
Adelheid Amalia von Schmettau - François Hemsterhuis - 1781-9-12
Orville 1764
, Sluis 2014, lettre I.241, p. 276-277
Adelheid Amalia von Schmettau - François Hemsterhuis - 1781-9-28
Orville 1764
, Sluis 2014, lettre I.245, p. 283
Adelheid Amalia von Schmettau - François Hemsterhuis - 1781-10-5
Orville 1764
, Sluis 2014, lettre I.247, p. 285-286
Adelheid Amalia von Schmettau - François Hemsterhuis - 1783-3-14
Sluis 2015, lettre II.19, p. 149-150
Adelheid Amalia von Schmettau - François Hemsterhuis - 1785-2-15
Sluis 2015b, lettre III.12, p. 27
Adolf Occo - Abraham Ortelius - 1582-11-5
Callataÿ 2017, p. 91, n° 67.
, Hessels 1887, no. 117, pp. 277-279
Adolf Occo - Abraham Ortelius - 1598-5-4
Hessels 1887, no. 320, pp. 750-751
, Occo 1579
, Callataÿ 2017, pp. 91-92, n° 68
Adolf Occo - Jacob Cool - 1599-2-6
Hessels 1887, no. 324, pp. 761-762
, Lazius 1558
, Goltzius 1576a
Adriaan Reland - Antoine Galland - 1706-11-28
Abdel Halim, p. 533, n° CCXLIV
Agostino Monanni - Leopoldo de' Medici - 1664-2-2
Barocchi - Gaeta Bertelà 2007, p. 801-802
Agostino Monanni - Leopoldo de' Medici - 1671-6-17
Giovannini 1979, p. 165, note 51
Agostino Mosti - Abraham Ortelius - 1583-9-21
Hessels 1887, no. 129, pp. 301-303
, Callataÿ 2017, pp. 90-91, n° 65.
Agustin 1592 by Hillebrant Jacobsz van Wouw
Agustin 1587
, Agustin 1592
, Scheller 1978, p. 77-78
Agustin, Antonio - Antonii Augustini Musei Antiquiora Numismata
Carbonell i Manils 1992-1993, p. 171, note 8.
, Agustin 1774, p. 311-338
Agustin, Antonio - Suma de les monedes trobades a la llibreria de l'archebisbe de Tarragona Antoni Agustin
Mateu i Llopis 1929
Ainsworth 1719-1720 by Thomas Birch
Burnett 2020b, pp. 376, 940, 1527, 1238
Alberto Mazzoleni - Antonio Francesco Gori - 1740-2-15
Morell 1734
, Gori 1740 vol. 1
Albertrandi, Jan Chrzciciel - Dactyliothecae... Stanislai Augusti gemmarumque cavo aut convexo opere insignium indiculus
Batowski 1902
Alessandro Albani - Wenzel Anton von Kaunitz-Rietberg - 1772-10-17
Williams 2022, p. 269-270
Alessandro Bassi - Ferdinando I de' Medici - 1580-5-6
Barocchi - Gaeta Bertelà 1993, p. 164, n° 179
Alessandro Borgianni - Fulvio Orsini - 1598-3-20
Missere Fontana 1995, p. 200, note 205
Alessandro de' Grandi - Alfonso II d'Este - 1565-2-16
Missere Fontana 1995, p. 225
Alessandro de' Grandi - Alfonso II d'Este - 1565-4-7
Missere Fontana 1995b, p. 225
Alessandro de' Grandi - Alfonso II d'Este - 1565-5-5
Missere Fontana 1995b, p. 225
Alessandro de' Grandi - Alfonso II d'Este - 1566-4-3
Missere Fontana 1995b, p. 225
Alessandro de' Grandi - Alfonso II d'Este - 1566-5-8
Missere Fontana 1995b, p. 225
Alessandro de' Grandi - Alfonso II d'Este - 1567-2-19
Missere Fontana 1995b, p. 225
Alessandro de' Grandi - Alfonso II d'Este - 1567-5-26
Missere Fontana 1995b, p. 225
Alessandro de' Grandi - Alfonso II d'Este - 1568-3-31
Missere Fontana 1995b, p. 225-226
Alexander Cunningham - Gisbert Cuper - 1703-12-24
Burnett 2020b, p. 1604.
, Fountaine 1705
Alexander Cunningham - Gisbert Cuper - 1704
Spanheim 1706
, Burnett 2020b, pp. 840, 955 n. 157
Alexander Cunningham - Gisbert Cuper - 1704-09-13
Burnett 2020b, pp. 837 n. 137, 840
Alexander Cunningham - Gisbert Cuper - 1704-10-30
Burnett 2020b, p. 837 n. 137
Alexander Cunningham - Gisbert Cuper - 1705-10-15
Burnett 2020b, pp. 1607, 837, 1103
Alexander Cunningham - Gisbert Cuper - 1706-02-20
Burnett 2020b, p. 839
Alexander Cunningham - Gisbert Cuper - undated
Burnett 2020b, p. 837
Alexandre-Xavier Panel - Claude-Nicolas Chifflet - 1726-7-1
Guillemain 2022, p. 78, note 33
Alexandre-Xavier Panel - Henri-Joseph de Thomassin de Mazaugues - 1728-9-13
Guillemain 2022, p. 73, note 19
Alexandre-Xavier Panel - Jean-Alphonse Turrettini - 1733-5-6
Morell 1683
, Turrettini 1887, p. 218-219
, Guillemain 2022, p. 87-88, note 64
Alexandre-Xavier Panel - Jean-Bouhier - 1742-5-17
Guillemain 2022, p. 88, note 66
Alexandre-Xavier Panel - Jean-François Séguier - 1731-10-29
Banduri 1711 vol. 1
Alexandre-Xavier Panel - Jean-François Séguier - 1731-11-26
Banduri 1711 vol. 1
, Foy-Vaillant 1692 vol. 1
Alexandre-Xavier Panel - Jean-François Séguier - 1737-4-10
Panel 1734
, Panel 1735
Alexandre-Xavier Panel - Joseph de Seytres de Caumont - 1734-3-4
Guillemain 1993, p. 111, note 3
, Maffei 1732
Alexandre-Xavier Panel - Joseph de Seytres de Caumont - 1734-3-29
Maffei 1732
, Guillemain 1993, p. 111, note 3
Alexandre-Xavier Panel - Joseph Pellerin - 1760-12-15
Mazzoleni 1744
, Arrigoni 1741 vol. 1
, Guillemain 2022, p. 88, note 67.
Alexandre-Xavier Panel - Joseph Pellerin - 1761-2-23
Foy-Vaillant 1701
, Pellerin 1762
, Guillemain 2022, p. 88, note 67.
Alfonso Del Testa - Bianca Cappello - 1582-3-15
Barocchi - Gaeta Bertelà 1993, p. 225, n° 245
Alfonso Del Testa - Francesco I de' Medici - 1582-3-31
Barocchi - Gaeta Bertelà 1993, p. 225-226, note
Alfonso Del Testa - Francesco I de' Medici - 1584-1-19
Barocchi - Gaeta Bertelà 1993, p. 250, n° 277
Alfonso Del Testa - Francesco I de' Medici - 1585-2-15
Barocchi - Gaeta Bertelà 1993, p. 265-266, n° 296
Alfonso Del Testa - Francesco I de' Medici - 1585-12-6
Barocchi - Gaeta Bertelà 1993, p. 277, n° 309
Alfonso Del Testa - Francesco I de' Medici - 1585-12-13
Barocchi - Gaeta Bertelà 1993, p. 277-278, note
Alfonso Del Testa - Francesco I de' Medici - 1586-10-28
Barocchi - Gaeta Bertelà 1993, p. 292, n° 324
Alfonso Del Testa - Francesco I de' Medici - 1586-12-28
Barocchi - Gaeta Bertelà 1993, p. 292, note
Alfonso Del Testa - Francesco I de' Medici - 1587-1-8
Barocchi - Gaeta Bertelà 1993, p. 292-293, n° 325
Alfonso Del Testa - Francesco I de' Medici - 1587-1-16
Barocchi - Gaeta Bertelà 1993, p. 293, note
Alfonso Del Testa - Francesco I de' Medici - 1587-1-23
Barocchi - Gaeta Bertelà 1993, p. 294, n° 326
Alfonso Del Testa - Francesco I de' Medici - 1587-2-19
Barocchi - Gaeta Bertelà 1993, p. 294, note
Alfonso Del Testa - Francesco I de' Medici - 1587-3-27
Barocchi - Gaeta Bertelà 1993, p. 300, note
Algernon Seymour - William Stukeley - 1727-04-20
Nichols 1817-1858, vol. 2, pp. 784-5
, Burnett 2020b, pp. 1007-8
Allan Ramsay - John Clerk - 1734-10-15
Brown 1984, p. 220
, Burnett 2024, p. 27
Alphonse de Rambervillers - Nicolas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc - 1620-9-8
Reinbold 1983, p. 12-13
Alphonse de Rambervillers - Nicolas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc - 1620-9-18
Reinbold 1983, p. 14-15
Alphonse de Rambervillers - Nicolas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc - 1620-9-30
Reinbold 1983, p. 18
Alphonse de Rambervillers - Nicolas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc - 1620-10-30
Reinbold 1983, p. 21
Ambrogio Besozzi - Giuseppe Magnavacca - 1697-10-30
Missere Fontana 2012, p. 247, note 51
Ambrogio Besozzi - Giuseppe Magnavacca - 1697-11-13
Missere Fontana 2012, p. 247, note 51
Ambrogio Besozzi - Giuseppe Magnavacca - 1698-7-23
Missere Fontana 2000, p. 198
, Missere Fontana 2012, p. 247, note 55
Ambrogio Besozzi - Giuseppe Magnavacca - 1698-7-30
Missere Fontana 2012, p. 247, note 55
Ambrogio Besozzi - Giuseppe Magnavacca - 1698-8-20
Missere Fontana 2012, p. 247, note 55
Ambrogio Besozzi - Giuseppe Magnavacca - 1698-8-27
Missere Fontana 2012, p. 248, note 70
Ambrogio Besozzi - Giuseppe Magnavacca - 1698-10-15
Missere Fontana 2012, p. 247, note 55
Ambrogio Besozzi - Giuseppe Magnavacca - 1698-11-5
Missere Fontana 2012, p. 247, note 55
Ambrogio Besozzi - Giuseppe Magnavacca - 1699-3-4
Missere Fontana 2012, p. 248, note 67
Ambrogio Besozzi - Giuseppe Magnavacca - 1699-6-3
Missere Fontana 2012, p. 249, note 81
Ambrogio Besozzi - Giuseppe Magnavacca - 1699-7-29
Missere Fontana 2012, p. 250, note 86, p.251, note 114
Ambrogio Besozzi - Giuseppe Magnavacca - 1699-8-11
Missere Fontana 2012, p. 250, note 87
Ambrogio Besozzi - Giuseppe Magnavacca - 1699-9-23
Missere Fontana 2012, p. 251, note 116
Ambrogio Besozzi - Giuseppe Magnavacca - 1705-10-21
Missere Fontana 2012, p. 250, note 102
Ammonio, Taddeo - Descriptio Musei Tadaei Amonii Prioris Capituli S. Petronii - Bologna, Archivio di Stato - FMC, s. IV, b. 74/734
Missere Fontana 2001-2002, p. 215, note 43
An Account of ye Meddalls heretofore in the Kings Clossett - Oxford, Bodleian Library - MS Ashmole 1140
Burnett 2020b, p. 323 n. 98
Andrea Cavalcanti - Nicolaas Heinsius - 1647-3-13
Rouillé 1553a
, Vico 1555
, Mezzabarba Birago 1683
Andrea Rubbi - Pietro Santi - 1795-2-21
Rubbi 1795, p. 128, lettre 183
Andrea Rubbi - Pietro Santi - 1795-7-11
Rubbi 1795, p. 233, lettre 302
Andrea Rubbi - Pietro Santi - 1796-1-19
Savot 1627
, Patin 1665b
, Rubbi 1796, p. 24, lettre 29
Andrea Rubbi - Pietro Santi - 1796-4-4
Rubbi 1796, p. 143-144, lettre 193
Andrea Staurino - Leopoldo de' Medici - 1657-10-4
Barocchi - Gaeta Bertelà 2007, p. 553
Andreas Morell - Albert Baldinger - 1702-4-5
Orsini 1577
, Patin 1663
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