Sylvester Bolton - James West? - 1741

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Sylvester Bolton

Sylvester Bolton - James West? - 1741
FINA IDUnique ID of the page  14259
InstitutionName of Institution. Royal Mint Museum
InventoryInventory number. S S Banks archive, Box 296, folder 1
AuthorAuthor of the document. Sylvester Bolton
RecipientRecipient of the correspondence. James West
Correspondence dateDate when the correspondence was written: day - month - year . 1741
PlacePlace of publication of the book, composition of the document or institution.
Associated personsNames of Persons who are mentioned in the annotation. Martin Folkes, Taylor White, Browne Willis
LiteratureReference to literature. Burnett 2020b, p. 12971
KeywordNumismatic Keywords  English , Treaty Of Numismatics
LanguageLanguage of the correspondence English
External LinkLink to external information, e.g. Wikpedia 
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Grand documentOriginal passage from the "Grand document".

'I have the pleasure of yours and I am glad to find, that a new Treatise of our English Coins is likely to be publish’d. I shall be always very ready to oblige Mr Willis, but yor engagement in such a Work might have procured any satisfaction my collection could afford you.' [The letter has drawings of six coins of King Henry, including a round halfpenny, all presumably in Bolton's collection, and also refers to Martin Folkes and Taylor White] (Burnett 2020b, p. 1297)

RemarksRemarks regarding the annotation. (en)

The recipient of the letter is uncertain, but Burnett 2020b, p. 1297 suggests James West 'since material relating to West is in the same folder and we also know that West made use of the Willis collection in his notes on Stephen Leake's book.' (en)


  1. ^  Burnett, Andrew M. (2020), The Hidden Treasures of this Happy Land. A History of Numismatics in Britain from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment, BNS Special Publ. No 14 = RNS Special Publ. No 58, London, Spink & Son.