William Courten

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 * 1642/03/28 London, † 1702/03/29, Kensington. naturalist; traveller; collector; antiquarian

Correspondence of William Courten
William Courten
FINA IDUnique ID of the page  3036
First nameFirst name(s) of the person. William
Last nameLast name of the person. Courten
Also known asAlternative names. Charleton
WikidataIDWikidata ID
Birth dateBirth date: day - month - year. March 28, 1642
Birth placePlace of birth of the person London 51° 30' 26.35" N, 0° 7' 39.54" W
Death dateDeath date: day - month - year. March 29, 1702
Death placePlace of death of the person Kensington 51° 29' 56.36" N, 0° 11' 56.83" W
KeywordKeywords for the person Naturalist , Traveller , Collector , Antiquarian
External LinkLink to external information, e.g. Wikpedia  https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Courten, William (1642-1702) (DNB00)
William Courten
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Secondary literatureYearYear of the literature reference TypeLiterature type (book, journal, etc.) TitleTitel of the book.
Kusukawa 20172017journalWilliam Courten’s lists of ‘Things Bought’ from the late seventeenth century
Author of Catalogues of Numismatic Collections
PageCatalogue dateDate when the catalogue was issued: day - month - year .
Courten, William - A Catalogue of my Consular Medals in Boxs No. Anno Dni 16951695
Courten, William - A catalogue of ye medals & Coines that were in Mr Bohun’s CabinetJuly 1692
Courten, William - A list of medals to exchange, 2 July 1698 - London, British Library - Sloane MS 3961, ff.91-22 July 1698
Courten, William - Catalogo dj quellj Curiosità chj venivano Allj miej manj Nel Anno 1667 - BL, Sloane MS 3988, ff.2-101666
Courten, William - Coines and meddalls Bought since 1670 - London, British Library - Sloane MS 3988, ff.17-221674
Courten, William - Consular Medals19 September 1695
Courten, William - June 1695. An Account of my Consular Medals in Boxs No. 1695
Courten, William - Numismata aurea a Julio Caesare ad Heraclium ex musaeo Carolj Croii Ducis Arschotanj a Joanne Hemelario Explicata Antuerpiae apud Petrum et Joannem Belleros Ao MDCXXVII
Author of Manuscripts of Unpublished Works
PagePublication dateDate when the publication was issued: day - month - year .
Courten, William - A list of Roman emperors and empresses from Augustus to Nerva, with notes on rarity of the coins of each of them
Courten, William - For my Lord Colerane all true and different - London, British Library - Sloane MS 3961, f.10811 September 1694
Courten, William - G(old) medds yt that are rare. Silver medds yt are rare
Courten, William - Mdls yt Mr Bohun wants - London, British Library - Sloane MS 3962, f.207
Courten, William - Medailles Anciennes qui sont les plus rares en or, argent et cuivre
Courten, William - Medals which I wanted - London, British Library - Sloane MS 3961, f.70November 1700
Courten, William - Mr Bonet's remarkes on Dr Walker's Treatise of Medals
Courten, William - Notes on Roman weights - London, British Library - Sloane MS 3962, f.88
Courten, William - Remarques of Medls. How to know the true from the false - London, British Library - Sloane MS 3962, f.6
Author of Correspondence
PageCorrespondence dateDate when the correspondence was written: day - month - year .
William Courten - Edward Lluyd - 1690-4-2929 April 1690
William Courten - Henry Hare - 1694-05-1919 May 1694
William Courten - Henry Hare - 1694-07-1212 July 1694
William Courten - Henry Hare - 1694-09-2525 September 1694
William Courten - Henry Hare - 1694-11-1313 November 1694
William Courten - Henry Hare - 1694-12-066 December 1694
William Courten - Henry Hare - 1695-02-1212 February 1695
William Courten - Henry Hare - 1695-03-2626 March 1695
William Courten - Henry Hare - 1695-04-044 April 1695
William Courten - Henry Hare - 1699-12-077 December 1699
... further results
Recipient of Correspondence
PageCorrespondence dateDate when the correspondence was written: day - month - year .
Edward Lhuyd - William Courten - 1691-09-2525 September 1691
Heneage Finch - William Courten - 1700/1-02-077 February 1701
Henry Hare - William Courten - 1688-03-2626 March 1688
Henry Hare - William Courten - 1694-12-1414 December 1694
Henry Hare - William Courten - 1695-02-1414 February 1695
Henry Hare - William Courten - 1695-03-2929 March 1695
Henry Hare - William Courten - 1699-11-022 November 1699
Henry Hare - William Courten - 1701-09-2525 September 1701
James Sutherland - William Courten? - 1701-12-1111 December 1701
John Evelyn - William Courten - 1695-09-1818 September 1695
Author of Correspondence Collections
PagePublication dateDate when the publication was issued: day - month - year .
Courten, William - London, British Library - Sloane MS 3962

