Nicolaas Heinsius - Christina of Sweden - 1652-3

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Nicolaas Heinsius, Rome

Nicolaas Heinsius - Christina of Sweden - 1652-3
FINA IDUnique ID of the page  2597
InstitutionName of Institution.
InventoryInventory number.
AuthorAuthor of the document. Nicolaas Heinsius
RecipientRecipient of the correspondence. Christina of Sweden
Correspondence dateDate when the correspondence was written: day - month - year . March 1652
PlacePlace of publication of the book, composition of the document or institution. Rome 41° 53' 41.28" N, 12° 29' 7.22" E
Associated personsNames of Persons who are mentioned in the annotation. Francesco Gottifredi, Francesco Angeloni
LiteratureReference to literature. Burman 1727, V, p. 746, lettre n° DCLIX, Molinari 2004, p. 124, note 161, Molinari 20202
KeywordNumismatic Keywords  Roman
LanguageLanguage of the correspondence Latin
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Grand documentOriginal passage from the "Grand document".

Lettre de mars 1652 (de Rome) : « Imperatorum veterum plurima illic vidi cum Graecis inscriptionibus, qui maximi hic fiunt. Nec scio an alius ejus notae tam multa in hac urbe possideat. Idem de numismatis magnae molis (medaglioni ab Italis vocantur) dictum esto » ; «... Rariora sua typis destinavit Gottefredus, & jam in aes incidie a curavit, exemplum Angeloni, alterius antiquarii Romani, secutus, qui sua annis proximis in lucem dedit » (Burman 1727, V, p. 746, lettre n° DCLIX, Molinari 2004, p. 124, note 16 ; Molinari 2020).


  1. ^  Burman, Pieter (1727), Sylloges epistolarum a viris illustribus scriptarum tomi quinque, apud Samuelem Luchtmans, Leidae.
  2. ^  Molinari, M. C. (2020), "The story of Francesco Gottifredi’s unpublished book," in F. de Callataÿ (ed.), Numismatic antiquarianism through correspondence (16th-18th c.), New York (to appear).