The manuscript contains Bainbrigg's notes about inscriptions and coins. The following extracts are those about coins transcribed by Haverfield 1911:
[f.318, olim 301] Bulnes. DIVA AVGVSTA FAVSTINA. Under the lower stone he found certaine peaces of monie to the number of xv or more, as brode as an old Queene Maryes grote, but thicker then six grotes. On the one side a woman in Roabes, with a garland on hir head, written about as is above said, viz. diva Augusta faustina. Upon the other side was a mounting eagle with this inscription, CONSECRATIO.
A faire paiment.
He found a faire payment, as might be, plowing in a little close besides the parsonage. the like was found in ther towne feildes.
[f.319, olim 302] In this Hadryan's tyme Anno domini 120 were these thre Legions in the north, Legio Secunda Augusta, at netherbie, Legio sexta. victrix at Burdoswald, and Legio vicessima victrix at Crawdun- dale, as may more plainlie appeare by ther severall inscriptions in thes places. Nummus Hadriani habet in aversa parte exercitus Britannicus per tres milites representatus, denotare in- dicas tres legiones tunc in Britannia egisse, scilicet, Secundam Augustam, Sextam victricem, et vicessimam victricem. Hec Secunda Augusta, ut hos optimos imperatores in his barbaris locis immortales redderet, hanc fecit.
[f.331, olim 313] Whitley Castle ... numismata hic saepius effodiuntur. hoc puellarum templum indigenae mihi ostenderunt sed una cum tempore, ut tu loqueris, Ruinae etiam periere
[ff.348-9, olim 329-30] Post datas ad to Rom. inscriptiones, statim Candaliam profectus, ut aliquid de vetustate illius castri de kendale e densissimis tenebris, si potuissem, in lucem eruerem. omnia abrasit vetustas. ad Levens in vetustissima scripta et numismata de improviso incidi.
(British Library, Cotton MS Julius F VI, ff.318-19, 331, 348-9; Haverfield 1911; Burnett 2020b, p. 140)