-Lettre du 24 janvier 1719 (sans lieu) : B.L. Calvert to H. (Rawl. 4. 1). ‘The observations in my Survey of Rochester, which you are pleased to term curious, were no other then what I could retrieve by recollecting y e notes committed with more care and exactness to my pocket Volume. Yesterday I accidently went into Tooke y e Bookseller’s shop, when a Countryman, loaded with ancientry, was exposing them to the view of the family.’ Account of spur, sword, head of battle-axe, lamp, trumpet, Roman coins and medals, dug up at St. Leonard’s Hill in Windsor Forest. ‘Sir Hans Sloane has offered him 10 Guineas. I would have purchas’d the Coyns of him, judging them to be the möst Valuable part on his new Acquisition. But he would not part with them without the whole.’ (Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Rawl. letters 4, f° 350).