'The catalogue lists about 125 Greek coins, mostly of silver and bronze, but it included one gold Ptolemaic coin. It starts with ‘Seleucidae &c’, mostly silver and bronze of the Seleucid kings of Syria (f.36vr); the next section is entitled ‘Oppida’ and is a long list of Roman provincial coins, listed by by emperor, and mostly coming from Syria or Mesopotamia (ff.36v–39r); there is then a gap, and a final list of miscellaneous Greek coins, several from western Turkey (Cyme, Magnesia, Myrina, Cos), followed by a list of miscellaneous Greek coins (Athens, Syracuse, Velia in Italy, Dyrrhachium, Massalia; and then a few more coins of Syrian cities (ff.39rv). Whether or not they were bought for Harley by Wanley is not recorded.
The list is not in Clayton’s handwriting and, as it contains the three coins he had given to Thoresby, it must have been drawn up earlier, presumably by Yarborough himself (or perhaps his brother). As can be seen from their predominantly Syrian and Mesopotamian origin, the coins were probably collected in Aleppo.' (Burnett 2020b, p. 617)