'The relevant pages consist of a summary bill, with various bits of arithmetic. The sale of [Lady Carteret's] coins has been attributed to Sloane [by Archibald 1994], and, although there seems nothing else in the volume that concerns Sloane’s collection rather than that of Sambrooke, the sale must surely be one by Lady Carteret to John Kemp (1665-1717), which we know about from other sources. However, we still need to decide what to make of the presence of the papers in this volume, otherwise devoted to Sambrooke and among Sloane’s papers. Might it have been the case that the coins, or some of them, passed from Kemp to Sambrooke; or from Kemp to Sloane; or from Kemp to Sambrooke and then to Sloane?' (Burnett 2020b, p. 783)