'[p.1]The value of my medals and Seales and other Rarityes and Curiositys in my long Catalogue, and in this Quarto book.
1. Medals in AR and AE from Julius Caesar of 170 severall Emperours and Empresses. I have Greek Medals of 44 of them. Greek Medals in all of them 247. There are of them not described by Vaillant 132.
There is amongst them Lollianus in Greek arillnis (?)
Monsr Vaillant hath set his down as he found them scatter’d in several hands; but here you have these gathered together in one vieu.
The place where the Medals were stampt or Coin’d, is no Contemptible part of a true Medallist’s Enquiry.
[Long digression on the importance of mint marks]
These Medals have all been minutely view’d by severall of my ffreinds, both English men and Forreigners, whom are men of Skill and good Judgement
Dr Tromballs collection was sold for £500. I have seen his catalogue, in which of Greeks he had very few.
I have Emperour’s post Heraclium 27 AR and AE
I therefore value all these at 450 Guineas -- £472.10s.0d
[p.2] 2. Moreover I have at Greek Hero’s and Kings of Syria and others, in all 92. I value them all, at £23 which is about 2s.6d one wth another. catalogue p. 76
3. Likewise I have of Latine Hero’s and Great men in all 6 great and small. I value them all at £3.10s.0d. catalog. p. 84.
4. I have about 50 several Coins of City’s and people. And of them all above 120 severall ones in AR and AE. Above 26 of them worth £1 per piece at least & for all at 10s p piece is £60. catalog. p. 89
5. I have Consuls 39. Two of them not described. At 10s. one wth another they make £19.10s.0d. Catalog. p.96
6. I have of Brittish, Saxon, Hebrew etc. French, Venetian, Popes, money of besieged Citys, Arab, East India money AVR, AR, AE, Turkish, Russia, Ariosto, Masianello wth S P Q N. Cardin. Boromeo. 54 pieces. £20.16s.0d. catalog. p. 97.98. Seven of these are Unici.
7. Gold Medals. in all 50 at 4 Guinea’s a piece --- 200 Guineas, 210 pound
Aelia Pulcheria in Gold is an Unic.
All from Constantine Mag. to Placid. Valentinian are Rare, or not to be had
Phillip of Maced. and Alexander are of Good value.
The six last are Rarityes, four of them not yet found elsewhere
There are above ten of the others, not to be found.
I value them at 4 Guineas a piece one wth another, but they are worth so much, wthout Aelia Pulcheria.
Those after Constantine Mag, are by no meanes of so fine work as the other of higher date. But first they are not easily to be met wthall, unless from Constantple or the East. And next they are to be highly valued as Shewing plainly the Decay of Coinage and all other Arts as the Empire declined in the East. Especially after the Latines were Masters of Jerusalem. and Constantple. And when the Latine Tongue came to be familiar amongst them; as you will see Latine and Greek letters promiscuously used in their Rude Inscriptions.
All my English Coins not here valued or prized in this Catalogue, I reserve to my self, wth many more not set down there which I have in my hands.
[p.3: a summary table of values of parts of his collection]'
(BL, Add MS 22911, ff.329-30; Burnett 2020b, pp. 590-1)