A particular note of such peices gould & silber as for Sir Simonds D’Ewes of Stowhall in the County of Suffolke Knight and Baronett hath borrowed out of the publicke library of the University of Oxford of John Rous Mr of Arts keeper of the said Library. For the safe restitution of wch in specie the said Sir Simonds D’Ewes hath given security by his bond of the penal summe of 500 li
Borrowed out of the fifth boxe wch Contains Brittish, English, Saxon and later English Coynes The i series containing the Coynes of the Brittish kings of the Brittish Citties, and the Tascian or tribute money.
[column 1:]
One peice set downe to belonge to
Cassibelan beinge of course gold and the
Letters on it beinge A.R.V.O.
One peice of silver with ACVS upon it
Supposed to belonge to Caratacus
One peice of course gold wth PRASTRI upon
It ascribed to Prasutagus
One peice of course gold somewt thick with
VO upon it poursined to have been stamped for
Queen Voaditia
One brasse peice wth ACVS upon it supposed
To signify Galgacus
One peice of Course gould wth thth ARUR upon
It probably signfieinge Arviragus
One Brasse peice wth LVCI upon it
referred to kinge Lucius.
One silver peice beloneinge to ye Citty of yorke
One silver peice wth ATVEL on it
The ffourth Series
1 silver peice with ÆFR upon it,
1 silver peice of kinge Edward ye Elder,
1 silver peice of K. Athelstan
1 silver peice of kinge Edward the Martyre
1 silver peice of Kinge Ethelred
- the 5th Series
3 silver peices of kinge Canute
1 silver peice of kinge Harold
2 silver peices of some Danish kinges
- the Sixth Series
3 silver peices of William the first and
William the Second
2 silver peices of kinge Henry supposed to be
H i and H:2:
1 silver peece of kinge John
[Column 3:]
1 silver peice asscribed to Henry the third
1 silver peice ascribed to Edward the first
1 silver peice ascribed to Edward the Second
2 gold peices and 2 silver peices ascribed to Ed. 3
2 gold peices of Richard 2
1 silver peice ascribed to Henr 4
1 large gold peice of H.7 supposed to belonge to H.5 2 silver peices ascribed to H:6
2 silver peices ascribed to K:E:4:
1 silver peice ascribed to R:3:
1 gould & 2 silver peeces of King H 7
1 gold peece of queen Mary wth NGORVM upon it
1 silver peece of queen Elizab. on wch the Spanish ffleet’s scattered
1 silver peece of queen Elizab. wth a castle on ye reverse
2 little silver peeces of queen Elizabeth
- the 7th Series
1 silver Scottish peece of king James coyned Anno 1474
1 silver peece of kinge Charles wth this Character ƆC
1 silver peece of kinge Charles with prisci decus ordinis
auctu’ upon it
1 gould peece of kinge Charles with this verse, Sol orbem rediens
sic rex illuminat urbem, upon it. The same of silver
1 silver peece with ye Spanish fleet &s veni, vidi, vici, on it
[At foot of page, across whole width:]
The whole number of the said peeces doe amount unto fifty & six whereof twelve of them are of
gold, two of brasse and the remainder being forty & two are of silver. All which I [then added above:] the
said Sir Simonds Dewes Kt promise to restore upon or before the last daye of October next ensuing the date hereof. In witnesse whereof the parties above mentioned have [added above:] to those present interchangably set theire hands & sealed the thirteenth day of ffebruary 1649.'
BL, Harley MS 298, f.173; transcription from Burnett 2020b, pp. 1473-4)