'Nummorum Imperatorum Romanorum Notitia in Musaeo S D conditorum [A notice of coins of the Roman emperors kept in the museum of S D]. A listing, in D’Ewes’s own hand, of the coins from Augustus to Hadrian, of all sorts. The list gives information about the size (‘pergrandia’ = very large, ‘minuta’, ‘mediae magnitudinis’) and metal of the coins, and whose portraits appear on them, but frustratingly it gives no details about the reverses. For an example of a typical entry, under Livia we find only: ‘pergrandia sine ullo capite 1’. The list goes as far Hadrian, for whom one entry appears, but then it stops. The titles of emperors and imperial personages are like those used in BL, Harley MS 255, ff.59r-60r, perhaps suggesting contemporaneity.' (Burnett 2020b, pp. 518-19)