'ff.1–22: no title, though the first page has the number 13 in the middle of the top. It is a list of Greek place and regal names, broadly looking like coin inscriptions, sometimes accompanied by a reference to one of Goltzius’s works and sometimes with an identification of the place in question, very much in the tradition of Goltzius’s Thesaurus. There are approximately 420 entries, but they do not all seem to be coin inscriptions since they include some non- existent (on real coins) items like MINTVRENSIVM, ΜΕΛΕΑΓΡΟΣ Rex Macedoniae, ΝΥΜΙΔΙΑ, ΜΥΣΙΑ Η ΚΑΤΩ, ΠΛΑΜΠΥΡΗΝΟΣ and ΠΥΤΕΟΛΗΣ (not an exhaustive list). One or two entries have obviously been squeezed in later, such as SVESSANORM (sic). There are occasional deletions, where duplication has been spotted later (e.g. ΚΟΣΩΝ).
ff.23–24: no title. 23r and 24r are two single pages, one of which (23) has a similar but shorter list of 29 names of places and kings. The second (24) has detailed descriptions of eleven coins, namely nine Greek (6 silver and 3 bronze) and two Byzantine coins of the Emperor Leo VI (886–912). The inscriptions on the nine Greek coins can mostly (or all) be found in the main earlier list, though only about half of them appear in the shorter list.'
(Burnett 2020b, p. 515)