Lettre du 25 août 1733 (sans lieu): In a letter some time since to the Rev. Mr. John Baily, rector of South Cadbury in Somersetshire, I mentioned the goodness of the beer of Wells, as I had it from a MS. memorandum, written in K. Charles IInd’s time.... The foresaid Mr. John Baily is a great lover of medals. He wants to know whether our University Collection be a curious and valuable one. It is not equal to what might be exspected from such a Repository. Many years ago a catalogue of them, drawn up first by Mr. Ashmole, & afterwards continued by myself, was proposed to be printed, but twas judged after all better not to print it. The best part of the ancient Greek coins in it are those given by Consul Ray. I have now’ (Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Rawl. letters 13 fol. 53).