Palamède Fabri de Valavez

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Correspondence of Palamède Fabri de Valavez
Palamède Fabri de Valavez
FINA IDUnique ID of the page  766
First nameFirst name(s) of the person. Palamède
Last nameLast name of the person. Valavez
Also known asAlternative names.
WikidataIDWikidata ID
Birth dateBirth date: day - month - year.
Birth placePlace of birth of the person
Death dateDeath date: day - month - year.
Death placePlace of death of the person
KeywordKeywords for the person
External LinkLink to external information, e.g. Wikpedia 
Image upload
Further imagesFurther images of the person.

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Further imagesFurther images of the person.
Currently, no birth place is known for Palamède Fabri de Valavez...
Secondary literatureYearYear of the literature reference TypeLiterature type (book, journal, etc.) TitleTitel of the book.
Ruelens 18851885journalLes amis de Rubens. I. Nicolas Rockox
Tamizey de Larroque 1896 vol. 61896monographLettres de Peiresc VI, lettres de Peiresc à sa famille et principalement à son frère (1602-1637)
Rooses - Ruelens 19001900monographCorrespondance de Rubens et documents épistolaires concernant sa vie et ses œuvres, III. Du 27 juillet 1622 au 22 octobre 1626
Scheller 19781978monographNicolaas Rockox als oudheidkundige