'I have lately, by way of variety, been dabbling in ye study of Medals, but am prevented from making any great progress, for want of proper books, tho’ it is very probable, if I had them, I should \soon/ grow tired, for it is a confounded dry piece of work: at present its novelty recommends it; one advantage I shall reap from it, will be to be able to form a tolerable judgement of ye value of what is offered to me; Indeed this country is pretty well drained of its curiosities of ancient stamp, as almost every European had a Commission to pick up what he can find; Medals there are in abundance, mostly copper, a few silver, but few of any great value; almost all that are found are either very much defaced, or so common as not to be worth ye purchase; however, I have picked up a few good ones, & I hope \in time/ to find others, that may be worth ye attention of ye curious.'
(London, British Library, Stowe MS 754, ff.84-6; Van Den Boogert 2007, p. 118; Burnett 2020b, pp. 641)