Simonds D'Ewes - Jacques Sirmond - 1648-08-31

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Simonds D’Ewes

Simonds D'Ewes - Jacques Sirmond - 1648-08-31
FINA IDUnique ID of the page  15657
InstitutionName of Institution. London, British Library
InventoryInventory number. Harley MS 377, f.34
AuthorAuthor of the document. Simonds D’Ewes
RecipientRecipient of the correspondence. Jacques Sirmond
Correspondence dateDate when the correspondence was written: day - month - year . August 31, 1648
PlacePlace of publication of the book, composition of the document or institution.
Associated personsNames of Persons who are mentioned in the annotation. Abraham van Goorle, Adolf Occo, Fulvio Orsini, Hubert Goltzius, Jacopo Strada, Levinus Hulsius
LiteratureReference to literature. Watson 1996, p. 151, Burnett 2020b, pp. 528, 11632
KeywordNumismatic Keywords  Book , Roman , Addenda , Numismatic Literature
LanguageLanguage of the correspondence English
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Grand documentOriginal passage from the "Grand document".

'Cum inclusam hanc, Vir gravissime, Numorum me penes res Romanas tangentium, Serio contemplatus fueris Notitiam, gratum tibi futurum non despero quod a Britannici orbis ignoto codicillos hos acceperis, idque potius cum novum opus Theatri Numarij Romani appellatione insignatum a me Σὺν Θεῷ edendum intellexeris. In quatuor illud distributum libros, primo Numos omnes Consulares Romanas tangentes Familias, secundo Augustales a Julio Caesare usque ad Marinianam Valeriani Patris coniugem, tertio eosdem a Gallieno usque ad Heraclium, quarto Glossarium Numarium, quo omnia pene necessaria ad symbola, typos, lemmata parerga, et parepigraphas Numismatum eruenda referturus sim continebit. ... Plurima eruditissimis additurus sum Fulvio Ursino et Huberto Goltzio, nec non et ipsi Abrahamo Gorlaeo, qui leviusculas non omisisse minutias merito videtur. Tot autem in utroque Strada Johanne et Octaviano, Levino Hulsio et in ipso Adolpho Occone veritate posita eliminaturus sum errores, totque eis tribus nova additurus sum Numismata, ut Philologis omnibus diligentiam meam probatum iri non desperem.' (BL, Harley MS 377, f.34; Watson 1996, p. 15; Burnett 2020b, p. 528)

['When, learned Sir, you shall have seriously considered the enclosed Notice of the coins in my possession which relate to Roman matters, I do not despair that I will be grateful to you that you shall have accepted these notes from an unknown belonging to the British world; and all the more so when you shall have appreciated that this new work, entitled with the name Theatre of Roman Coins (Theatrum Numarium Romanum) is to be published by me, deo volente. It has been organised in four books: in the first, it will contain all the Republican coins relating to the Roman families; in the second, the imperial ones from Julius Caesar to Mariana, the wife of the elder Valerian; in the third, the same from Gallienus to Heraclius; the fourth will contain a Numismatic Glossary (Glossarium Numarium), in which I shall have set out again everything that needs to be drawn out relating to the symbols, types, additional subjects and inscriptions of the coins. ... I shall have added very many things to the very learned Fulvio Orsini and Hubert Goltzius, and also even to Abraham Gorlaeus himself, who seems worthily not to have missed any trivial details. And again, by setting out the truth, I shall have eliminated so many errors in both Stradas (Johannes [recte Jacobus] and Octavianus), in Levinus Hulsius and in Adolpho Occo himself; and I shall have added so many new coins to those three that I do not despair that my efforts will be approved by all scholars.' (translation from Burnett 2020b, p. 528)]


  1. ^  Watson, A.G. (1996) The Library of Sir Simonds D'Ewes, London, British Museum Press.
  2. ^  Burnett, Andrew M. (2020), The Hidden Treasures of this Happy Land. A History of Numismatics in Britain from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment, BNS Special Publ. No 14 = RNS Special Publ. No 58, London, Spink & Son.