'Now other observations I made in Rome are these amongst other, As to Coynes & Medails, that 10 Asses make the Roman Denarius, 5 the quinarius: 10 Denariu’s an Aureus which Accompt runs almost exactly with what is now in use, of quatrini, baiocs, julios, & scudi each exceeding the other in proportion decupla: The Sestertius was a small silver coyne marked HS or rather LLS valu’d 2 pound sil: & 1⁄2 viz 250 denarij about 25 golden ducati. The stamp of the Roman denarius varied, having sometimes a Janus bifrons, the head of Roma, arm’d, or with a Chariot & two horses, such were cal’d Bigi, with 4 quadrigi, if with a victoria so nam’d: the marke of the denarius was distinguished thus * or x, the Quinarius of halfe value, had on one side the head of Rome & behind V the reverse Castor & Pollux on horseback, inscribed Roma, &c:' (De Beer 1955, vol. 2, pp. 398-9; Burnett 2020b, p. 826)