'I carried the Countesse of Sunderland to see the rarities of one Mr. Charlton in the Middle Temple, who shewed us such a Collection of Miniatures, Drawings, Shells, Insects, Medailes, & natural things, Animals whereoff divers were kept in glasses of Sp: of wine, I think an hundred, besids, Minerals, precious stones, vessels, & curiosities in Amber, Achat, chrystal &c: as I had never in all my Travels abroad seene either of private Gent: or Princes exceede it; all being very perfect & rare of their kind, espec<i>aly his booke of Birds, Fish: flowers, shells &c drawn and minatured to the life. He told us that one book stood him in £300; it was painted by that excellent workman, whom the late Gastion, Duke of Orleans, emploied: This Gent:’s whole collection (gathered by himselfe travelling most parts of Europe) is estimated at 8000 pounds: He seem’d a Modest and obliging person:' (De Beer 1955, vol. 4, pp. 531-2; Burnett 2020b, p. 758)