'Dr Charlett [at Christ Church] has a Cabinett (wch stands in a Room on the East side of his Study, & upon it the Head of the famous Ant. a Wood in Plaister de Paris) wherein is a Collection of Antient Roman Coyns, put in order (so the Dr says) by Mr Elstob and Mr Wanley. But the Dr (who is otherwise forward enough to shew things) being not willing to give any one a sight of them (tho’ he has often been desir’d by some curious Gentleman, particularly by the Excellt Sr Andrew Fountaine) it makes some Persons suspect that Wanley (when he belong’d to it) stole from the Collection in the Publick Library, where he did wt he pleas’d, Dr Hyde being infirm and not able to look after yt place as wel as he should.'
(Hearne 1885, vol. 1 p. 175; Burnett 2020b, p. 1224)