'We took up a small coyn among them [fragments of urns], Valentinian, rev., a victory, VICTORIA. They found a fair silver Nerva 2 days agoe, rev., LIBERTAS PVBLICA, which Mr Edwards gave me, and a large Severus Alexander, rev., Mars Ultor; and many more. I bought a little brass coyne, the same as I formerly got at Icklingham, Icianus, in Suffolk, which I gave to Mr Roger Gale, POP ROM, a head with head-piece, rev., a garland, within it a star, like the escarbuncle of the heralds, under these letters CONSH. Likewise a Victorinus, rev., PIETAS AVG; a brass Constantine Max., vailed, rev., his consecration or ascension into heaven in a quadriga; a Quintillus.'
(Lukis 1882-1887, vol. 3, p. 61; Burnett 2020b, p. 1676)