'Yesterday Mr Loveday showed me his Mediobarbus, in wch are some MSS notes of the famous Mr Dodwell, whose book it was, being bought by Mr Loveday out of a Sale at London, in wch were part of Mr Dodwell’s Books, wch were sold by Mr Dodwell’s eldest son to Fletcher Gyles. Mr Dodwell’s notes are all, excepting two (which are of two Coins of one Birch of Brazennose College), of Coins that he saw in the hands of Mr Josiah Pullen late V. Principal of Magd. Hall. Mr Pullen always used to shew Mr Dodwell whatever coins he met with. I think Mr Pullen’s coins are now in Mag. Coll. [sic] Library. There are also supposed to be in Mr Loveday’s copy three or four notes of Dr Edward Bernard’s, whose book I suppose it might be before Mr Dodwell had it.
Mr. Fysher, of Oriel College, told us last night (for I spent the Evening in Cat Street with him & Mr. Bateman of Xt Ch., &c.) that he was well assured that Mr. Wise, of Trin. Coll., hath had for some time 20 libs, per an. to draw up a Catalogue of the Bodleian Coins, i. e. to do nothing, there being a Catalogue of them drawn up before by Mr. Ashmole, to wch 20 I added a Supplement, being inserted by me in the said Catalogue, comprehended in 3 volumes, tho' as to Consul Ray's coins &c., I made a distinct Catalogue of these, wch I keep by me in MS.
It seems Wise, in his Proposals for printing a Catalogue of the said Coins, talks of putting notes to, & of giving draughts of, the chief of them, & of putting them in order of time, and of giving an account of the Cities to wch the Greek ones &c. belong. This hath been already done.'
(Hearne 1885, vol. 10, p. 371; Burnett 2020b, pp. 447, 565, 1319 n. 1481)